Why I Want Men to Stand Up For the F Word by Jordan Jones

Why I Want Men To Stand Up For The F Word | Jordan Jones

There are three things that TEDxRoyalTunbridgeWellsWomen speaker Jordan Jones wants you to know about him:
1. He was born at a time when there was still a green Power Ranger. (#80’sBaby!)
2. He has an unhealthy relationship to chocolate. (Which he's working on...)
3. 353 days a year, he is a Black Feminist. (He takes 12 days a year to recover)

But this isn't all you should know about Jordan...

Here's why he'll give a terrific TEDx talk: In some ways, Jordan feels like he behaves like a stereotypical man and has learned to accept his love of contact sports and crude Will Ferrell films without self-flagellation. But on his journey to obliterating the social disease that is patriarchy, he's constantly acknowledging his privilege as a man whilst navigating through the impact of how his race is perceived by others.

Growing up in a predominately female household, Jordan never knew where his place as a man was in the fight to end patriarchy, or if by being a man he was, by definition, part of the problem. With many (needed) women-only spaces, he craved a place where he could have his voice be heard as an ally. This search led him to become a volunteer facilitator with @GreatMenUK, which delivers workshops to young boys in secondary schools across England to discuss gender, equality, violence, masculinity and identity. Jordan feels truly fortunate to be able to positively contribute to the next generation of young men in such a profound way.

Jordan says, "A woman once told me, ‘I am my politics and I can't switch it off, once I do that, I die’. This has always stayed with me, I do the day-to-day, ordinary things I love, but I never stop challenging the inequalities that have become part of society's fabric." He goes on to say, "Whilst I try not to stand on my soap box too often, I truly believe it is every single human being's responsibility to make this world a better place, not just for ourselves, but to honour those who came before us and to support those who will come after us. In the words of Dylan Kwabena Mills, 'Fix Up Look Sharp'."

We all have a favourite TED talk. Here are some of Jordan's: Will Stephen: How To Sound Smart in Your TEDx TalkDan Slepian: Voices From Within, and Sam Berns: My Philosophy for a Happy Life

Here's what Jordan wants you to take away from his talk: Words are only as good as the impact it has on the recipient. With this in mind, he wants the audience to feel invigorated. He wants them to feel challenged & motivated to take an action in the world, an action which makes a difference with someone or something in the fight for equality.

There is an integral need to hold all men and boys to account for the role they play in equality. Jordan doesn't want people to listen to his talk, clap, smile and then forget about it. He wants people to feel what he feels, he wants them to make a stand for what it is they believe in. The past has shown that change can only occur when the status quo is challenged. What will you challenge? 

You can learn more about Jordan on: Twitter