Stepping Out from the Fickle Finger of Fate by Natasha Courtenay-Smith

Stepping Out from the Fickle Finger of Fate | Natasha Courtenay-Smith 

So many of us have so many talents, and can do and be so much. But we live in a world in which so many of us wait for opportunities to be gifted to us and keep our talents to ourselves. We pin our future on the next round of promotions, and when it doesn’t happen, we buckle down for another year. Natasha Courtenay-Smith will be talking about how to stop waiting to be chosen and how to empower yourself to reach your own goals.

Here's why she'll give a terrific TEDx talk: Natasha is an entrepreneur, digital strategist and author of the Million Dollar Blog. She works with clients including celebrities, business owners, private health care clinics and charities to help them improve their visibility and reach new audiences both online and through mainstream media. Natasha is a former national newspaper journalist who founded one of the UK’s first online press agencies, which was acquired by the SWNS media group in 2014. She brings to bear both her experience in mainstream and online media for her clients.

We all have a favourite TED talk. Here's Natasha's: Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

Natasha wants you to walk away from her talk thinking: That we all have it within ourselves to achieve our goals. That we can all empower ourselves to get to where we want to go.

Learn more about Natasha by checking her out on: Her websiteTwitter and Instagram.